5th QATEM Workshop, 26 August 2016, Potchefstroom (South Africa) This 5th edition is co-organized by North-West University (South Africa) and University of Perpignan, CRESEM-EA 7397 (France) Cultural Proximity and Bilateral Tourism Flow. Sylvain Petit (University of...
6th QATEM Workshop, 2018, French Polynesia. Call for papers for QATEM 2018 is now available. CFP QATEM...
4th QATEM Workshop, 9 May 2014, Narita (Japan) This 4th edition is co-organized by University of Chiba (Japan) and University of Perpignan, CAEPEM-EA 4606 (France) Understanding tipping behaviour: an economic perspective. Melville Saayman and...
3rd QATEM Workshop, 13th July 2012, Corte (France) This 3th edition is co-organized by University of Corte, LISA-UMR CNRS 6240 (France) and University of Perpignan, CAEPEM-EA 4606 (France) The rise, the development, and the organizational...
2nd QATEM Workshop, 2 July 2010, Perpignan, France Does conservation make sense to local communities? Andrea Saayman, Melville Saayman and Riaan Rossouw (South Africa) Evaluating agritourism activities in Italy: Facility-based or local...
1st QATEM Workshop, 27 June 2008, Perpignan, France Tourism productivity: incentives and obstacles to fostering growth (Stefania Lionetti, Italy) Hierarchical structure of the internationalized Spanish hotel industry (Juan Gabriel Brida,...